Career Opportunities & Job Offers

Looking for a career opportunity near Munich?
Become part of the Tempris Team – apply today!

We are continuously looking for new talents to join our team. Please feel free to send your application documents directly to if you cannot find a position that interests you in the following list of our current vacancies.


Customer Service

Quality Management

Tempris Company

Headquarter of Tempris in Holzkirchen on the Hexal-Campus
  • Leading technology for product temperature measurement and process control in lyophilization

  • Company is certified to ISO 9001

Tempris Products

Four vials with Tempris sensors for product temperature measurement
  • Wireless sensors

  • Same Sensors in all Lyo Scales

  • Fits all Primary Packaging

  • Real-time monitoring

Fields of Application

Molecules, test tubes, glasses, chemical formulars
  • Real-time product temperature monitoring

  • Data for regulatory submissions

  • Temperature measurement during granulation