A3P Lyophilization 2023 – Lyon, France
4 April 2023 - 5 April 2023
Meet Tempris at Booth 8 of the A3P Lyophilization 2023 conference in Lyon

The A3P Lyophilization 2023 conference is dedicated to the aspects of contamination control and responsible production for the production of freeze-dried forms.
This aspect of contamination control for the production of freeze-dried forms is one of the new points of the GMP Annex 1 published in July 2022: a set of paragraphs is dedicated to freeze-drying within the chapter “Production and specific technologies” and in other paragraphs, where freeze-drying is also mentioned.
Responsible production is a key issue for manufacturers in terms of production costs and energy consumption. These topics will be addressed during conferences, in particular on cold production and the round table dedicated to the campaign mode.
These 2 days will allow, through feedback, to take stock of the problems linked to the implementation of the new requirements of GMP Annex 1 (August 25, 2024) and on the control of contamination.
A communication from the GIC Lyophilization (Groupe d’Intérêt Commun Lyophilization, Common Interest Group Lyophilization), which works on these issues (sterilization qualification and contamination risk analysis on all operations), will complete the various interventions and workshops of these days.
Official conference language: French / English
Simultaneous translation: French <> English